Sunday, August 31, 2008


A couple more pictures from the group photo... Then we ate lunch... I am attaching some of our options.


Today was group photo day. Dress all of the little ones up in pretty chinese clothing and get everyone together for a beautiful picture. Explain it to the children once and they understand that if they sit still and smile for just a minute or two, that the picture time will be over. OR at least that is how it is suppose to go. Normally, half of the kids are crying, scared, etc. :) That is ok. We still get lots of neat pictures of the group. Here are some of them.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Some pictures from lunch.


We found the small camera. So, now I can put up a couple of pictures from the doctor visit.

One of the pictures is of FuNi (this was the little girl we applied for from special needs. It was neat to see her (in our travel group) with her new family. Three of the pictures show Lexi during the doctor visit. The last picture shows Lexi right after the visit... She was tired.


Here are some pictures specifically from the Pavillian... I can't find the camera that we used at the doctor's office today. Hopefully I will in the morning.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Sorry for missing a day... the last three days have been pretty busy and it appears that we are a down down. Oh well... here is the latest...

On Thursday, We were still in Nanchang and did a tour of another neat pavillion. Very pretty place with neat history. On Friday, we "just" flew from Nanchang to Gaungzhou. About an hour and a half flight. All of the kids did pretty good. Everything went well.

Today, we went to Shamain Island (sp). Here Lexi had her doctor appointment. She also got her picture taken for her Visa. We did a little bit of shopping... In a couple of minutes, I need to fill out more paperwork. I will upload picture later tonight.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


We got to go to the orphanage yesterday. It took a three hour bus ride, but it was a beautiful trip and well worth the time. Along the way to the orphanage, we saw lots or rice fields, we saw an oyster farm, we saw small roads, we saw mountains... True China.

When we arrived at the town she was from, we saw a "small" rural town. The town had about 200,000 people. Pretty small by China standards. A couple of turns later and we arrived at the orphanage. They began a celebration as we arrived. Lots of firecrackers at the front gate. Also at the front gate, there was a red scrool saying "Welcome Back" with each adopted childs name on the scrool. It was very touching and very nice. It was a neat beginning. Once we got off of the bus, we went to a receiption with some fruit and water. After the receiption, we got to tour the entire baby complex. There were 24 children still in the orphanage. Some of these children were elgible for adoption and some were not. We got to see the beds that Lexi and her friends slept in. We got to watch some of the children in the play area. We took lots of pictures (something like 388 pictures that day.) Lexi seemed to be fine with it. But she wanted to be with Karla which made us feel good. Jared made a friend with a child of one of the orphanage staff. They played on the playground. We were even allowed to interact with the children of the orphanage including holding and playing with them.

We were allowed to see all of the paperwork that they had on Lexi. After that we took a few more pictures and then went with the director to a nice lunch. This lunch was put on by the orphanage and was pretty good. They even offered us some ice cold beer. (Very nice by our thoughts!)

After the meal, we took the 3 hour trip back to our hotel and finished the night off with a little shopping.

Pretty nice day, but too stimulating for Lexi... She had a rough night.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008




This morning we left for a ancient museum of a famous Chinese painter that was from this provience. It was hot (like it is everyday) but was still interesting.

After the museum, we had a traditionaly Chinese lunch which included "worms" (or at least that is what it looked like.) After lunch we did a little more paperwork and then went to the local shopping area/market where we were the main attraction. If we stood still for about 30 seconds, a group of about 30-50 local Chinese would gather around and look at us.

At the end of the shopping, we decided to eat at McD. This went well with one small exception. Justin likes his cheeseburgers without any condoments. So we asked our guide to help order... When he ate the sandwiches (2 of them), they did not have any condoments just like we wanted... However, they also did not have any burger :) ... Just cheese. So he ate a plain cheese sandwich.

Our guides have been asking us if our babies have had "poops" yet. Most of the babies have not had any "poops" after 2 days. So our guide said that if no "poops" by tonight, that she could tell us a secret. She then suggested that many of these babies may want to "poops" on the baby toilet. She said that they do not wear diapers. Therefore they probably have been trained to "peeps" and "poops" on the toilet. We all kind of laughed with disbelief. However, Lexi seemed like she might be wanting to go "poops"... So Karla Held here over the baby toilet and low and behold, she both "poops" and "peeps". Could we have a 10 month old that is potty trained? Wouldn't that be nice... Time will tell. (Take a look at all of the pictures for evidence.)

Monday, August 25, 2008


Yesterday was a BUSY and stressfull day...

We started by going to the Civil Affairs office to officially adopt Lexi. At the office we filled out and signed paper work. We then had our picture taken for the adoption certificate. Then we went to a 120 degree room to pay the fees and make the "donation". Wrapping up the Civil Affairs office was an interview. (We passed!)

After the Civil Affairs office, we went to the Notory to have the interview official. Then over to the Police Station for more paper work. One final place to get Lexi's individual picture taken.

When the official needs were done, we went to a busy Wal-Mart to buy a few needed items. Back to the hotel rest, eat, and go to sleep. We were all tired.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


We got Lexi today at about 4:30 PM. The babies came early! We were not ready yet. Surprise. We ran to the room as quickly as we could. Luckily we only had to wait about 1 minute before it was our turn. Lexi was scared and holding on to her nanny. She was crying some, but not a lot. She calmed down with Karla.

She is beautiful. She seems to be settling down with us. Everyone has gotten to hold her for at least a couple of seconds.

Here are a couple of pictures for today. More paperwork needs to be compelted.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hello friends,
We finally made it into Beijing last night(the 22nd) around 11 pm China time! We had great flights. Long, but the kids did great....and so did Kelly after a couple of benedryl tabs to knock her out! It was the first time in a long time I have seen my sister anxious! We have met the other families who are also getting their children tomorrow. We have now have new friends from PA, VA, TN, CA, and western KY! I love that fact that we are all together and everything we do, we do as a big group. It is so nice to be able to help each other out. 3 of the families are first time parents!
It is now Saturday night here in Nanchung. We are settled into our hotel rooms. We will be here for 1 week. China law states that we have to stay in our childs province for 5 days after we get them.

Kelly and the boys will share a room tonight while Erika wants to sleep with me and Craig. Tomorrow is the big day. I feel like I am just rambling on and not making much sense. I think it is time for me to get to bed.

I will post pictures tomorrow night as soon as I am able. We meet the nannies/orphanage director and our new babies at 5:00 pm.......I'm getting nervous!!!!
Until then, night-night!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We are FINALLY packed. We have all the luggage in the foyer so it will be easy to load at 4:30 tomorrow morning! We have great friends who are getting up early to take us to the airport. We need 2 vans! One for all of us and one for all of our luggage!!

Our flight leaves from Lexington at @ 6:40am on NW5889 to Detroit
We depart Detroit @2:25pm on NW0025 to Tokyo, JP
from there we will fly on NW0029 to Beijing.

We will add more when we can!

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!
Until later....

Monday, August 11, 2008


We just spoke with our travel coordinator at our adoption agency. He said he had some bad news. (Instantly, I thought something terrible had happened to Lexi. ) He was calling to tell us that we would not be site seeing in Beijing due to 2 Americans being attacked and killed after the Opening Games. He felt that it was in the adoptive families best interest and safety not to tour the City. Although I am a little bummed that the kiddos and my sister Kelly won't get to see that beautiful city, I know it is for the best.
We will fly into Beijing and spend a night and the next day fly into Nanchang where we will get to meet our precious little one for the first time!!
Until later....

Friday, August 8, 2008


I wanted to share a little information about our sweet baby. She was born on October 23, 2007. She has lived at the SWI (Social Welfare Institute) of Xiajiang County, Jiangxi Province since the day she was born. The photos that we have of her are at 5 mos. She will be 10 mos when we get her. At the time of the photo she weighed roughly 11 pounds.

We can't wait to hold her and show her what a forever family is all about!!


The time has finally come to start getting ourselves ready to bring home our little Lexi. As many of you know, we started this second adoption process in July of 2005! We were starting to think that this time would never come!

We wanted to have a blog for our friends and family to read while we are in China. We hope to be able to post pictures daily. I am sure that we will have plenty of pictures to post since Justin, Jared and Erika are all bringing their cameras!!

We are leaving Lexington for Beijing on August 21!! Will return to Lexington on September 5. When I have our actual itenary, I will post it so you can follow along on our schedule!!

Until later....
Craig and Karla