Tuesday, September 2, 2008


And More


Stephanie said...

OMG- What a goof I am. Being technologicly challenged, I had no idea what a "blog" was or how it worked. So her I was sitting at home checking my "e-mails many times daily waiting for you to send me the "blog" when all the while it was right at my fingertips! Thank goodness I ran into Sandy and she set me straight on "the problem"! SO excited to see all the pictures. What a beautiful family addition! Can't wait to see you all!


Stephanie said...

You are probably on your way home by now - what time on Thursday? It is Thursday, isn't it? Let me know.

Love you,


Kara/Heartfelt Images Photography said...

Lexi looks like she has settled in well....she looks VERY content! Can't wait to talk to you!!I will pray for a safe trip home!

Craig and Karla said...

Stephanie, you are so much like me it cracks me up! I am so glad that you ran into Sandy! Otherwise, I can just hear you now at he airport...." Why didn't you send me any blogs?....."
I will see you Friday!
Love you bunches!

Sandy Allnutt said...

It was pretty funny! when I saw Stephanie I asked her if she'd seen the blogs, and she said 'You've been getting them? I havent't gotten any!' It was cute! We laughed about it awhile! Can't wait until Friday!